YouTube of the swoon of the small bird「メジロがガラスに激突」
メジロが気を失ってぶら下がっている姿に見入ってしまいました。 You can watch the state of a lovely small bird in YouTube. I thought that a small bird was pretty wrote an article.
おすすめ動画~You can watch YouTube in this blog.~
メジロが気を失ってぶら下がっている姿に見入ってしまいました。 You can watch the state of a lovely small bird in YouTube. I thought that a small bird was pretty wrote an article.
小鳥が人間の指に身をゆだねている姿に引き付けられ記事にしました。 You can watch the state of a lovely small bird in YouTube. I thought that a small bird was pretty and wrote an article.
眠たそうな猫とウズラの雛が可愛すぎる動画。 You can watch the communication of a cat and a quail in this YouTube.I thought that two states were lovely and wrote an article.
動画の中の元ボス「まだら」のケンカの様子がカッコイイので記事にしました。You can watch the quarrel of the cat in this YouTube.I thought that an old boss cat was cool and wrote an article.