YouTube of a cat getting on the swing. 猫の能力を御紹介します【 ブランコとねこ 】
猫が前足でブランコを押し歩く姿と、後ろ足の動きが面白く印象的な動画。 You can watch a cat and a swing in YouTube. The cat practices the swing. And, a cat can get on the swing finally.
おすすめ動画~You can watch YouTube in this blog.~
猫が前足でブランコを押し歩く姿と、後ろ足の動きが面白く印象的な動画。 You can watch a cat and a swing in YouTube. The cat practices the swing. And, a cat can get on the swing finally.
最後まで人間のように座る猫を観ていて笑ってしまいました。 You can watch the animation of the white cat in YouTube. I thought that the white cat was pretty and wrote an article.